Fitting API

The library using a versioning scheme to preserve old heuristics in future versions. There will be an iirrational.vN submodule that is larger Than the current full version number. This one will _not_ be api stable or heuristics stable. The versions equal or below the current full version will be preserved.

v1 fitting interface

iirrational.v1.data2filter(argB=None, data=None, F_Hz=None, SNR=None, F_nyquist_Hz=None, ZPK=None, SNR_initial=None, order_initial=None, verbosity_limit=None, SNR_cutoff=None, doc_db=None, delay_s=None, hints=None, alt_res=False)

Fitter Objects

iirrational.MRF.MultiReprFilter(_args=None, copy=None, lightweight=True, **kwargs)

