
Design Considerations

Coding Conventions


Uses py.test for tests.


tox aids testing against multiple versions of python in clean environments. To run it:


and to run against the full test suite on the system python:

$tox -e full

The typical build and install distribution does not include the test suite data.

Building Docs

Documentation is written in the powerful, flexible, and standard Python documentation format, reStructured Text. Documentation builds are powered by the powerful Pocoo project, Sphinx. The API Documentation is mostly documented inline throughout the module.

The Docs live in iirrational/docs. In order to build them, you will first need to install Sphinx.

$ pip install sphinx
$ pip install nbsphinx

and optionally (but very helpful)

$ pip install sphinx-autobuild

Then, to build an HTML version of the docs, run the following from the docs directory:

$ make html

and for the autoreload, run:

$ make livehtml

The docs/build/html directory will then contain an HTML representation of the documentation. When committed to github, readthedocs will automatically build the latest version and host it.