
Installing IIRrational

Distribute & Pip

The recommended method of installation is through pip:

$ pip install iirrational

or if you are not administrator, you may do a –user install:

$ pip install iirrational --user

Download the Source

You can also install IIRrational from source. The latest release (0.9.0rc6) is available from GitHub.

Once you have a copy of the source, you can embed it in your Python package, or install it into your site-packages.

$ python install

To download the full source history from Git, see Source Control.

to adjust the source and run from the code directory, install via:

$ python develop

or better yet, use pip for this and get the dependencies as well:

$ pip install -e ./

alternatively, add to PYTHONPATH (be sure to also install or add the dependencies):

$ export PYTHONPATH="/path/to/iirrational:$PYTHONPATH"


Installing using develop will not expose the package to Matlab. Use the PYTHONPATH install instead.

Staying Updated

The latest version of IIRrational will available at:

When a new version is available, upgrading using:

$ pip install iirrational --upgrade


This can upgrade dependencies such as numpy and scipy as well!